Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Spiral in the Sky with Diamonds?

A couple days ago there was a fate noticeable spiral in the sky. If any of you thought it was some weird alien UFO, or any other CRAZY idea you might have you were most likely wrong. Turns out the little light in the sky was yet another failed russian experiment.
They were testing out a missile for the thirteenth time and FAILED. This missile has been known as Russia's breakthrough and has a operating range of over 5,000 miles.
I never even heard about this spiral sky light till right now, and I wish I was able to see it. Be aware of the next time there will be some random interesting object in the sky. You might be impressed.


The big well-known movie rental company, RedBox has been recently undergoing decisions on whether to start renting out video games rather than just movies. They have been discussing with many game companies and such trying to get the right deal. So far there are RedBox rental stations in Nevada and North Carolina but hopefully soon there will be some in our neighborhood Ralphs Markets so our soon to come game lovers will hopefully get their daily fill of two dollar a day video games. Also so fellow movie lovers and I can get our take on MOVIES; especially the stupid comedies that include, Paul Rudd, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, Seth Rogan, etc.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MacBook Pro Hard Drive

The famous MacBook Pro should be going down on the wish lists pretty soon. Most of the MacBook Pro's that are around 2-3 years old have had major Hard Drive problems. I know around 4 people that has had their Hard Drive crash in the last two months. It usually happens anytime at the most random times like you just look away and when you look back the screen is either black or white with a little flashing picture of a folder with a question mark on it.
Oddly enough the way it happened to me was when I noticed it needed to be charged, I went to get the charger and right as I plugged the charger into the wall outlet..the screen went black. When I turned it back on it was plain white and instead of a little apple in the middle(that means its either restarting, turning on or off) there was a little grey folder with that insignificant question mark on it.
I was pretty lucky though. When I took my laptop to the Apple store to see what was wrong with it a lady was there waiting to get her laptop back. Randomly she started talking to us and explained to us what happened to her laptop. She said her hard drive crashed so just in case I asked how she knew it had crashed...she said a white screen with a folder showed up, and it took them 2 weeks to fix it..i needed my laptop fixed by the next morning. THEY FIXED IT IN 30 MINUTES! (:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Twilight..or whatever movie just came out..

The fact that I am writing a post about what is known as the "Twilight:Saga" makes me really sad, but I'm just going to go through with it. So, last night I watched this show on E!news about the 'secrets' of twilight. To be honest it was pretty interesting, it kept me sucked in for a whole 30 minutes.
What I've learned from this show:
-Taylor Lautner feels uncomfortable of the fact that so many people see him shirtless.
-Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will ALWAYS have a friends with benefits relationship.
-Bellas so-called "house" in the movie is actually a set house. Meaning there's no drywall, electricity or plumming. It is simply the 'shell' of a house.
-Dakota Fanning was ecstatic to be in it playing some vampire named Jane especially since the role was practically handed to her.
-Ashley Greene was too late to tell the people that she was going to continue in the rest of the twilight movies so they replaced her with Bryce Dallas Howard.
-I can't believe I remembered all this crap from last night.

Three Day Break :D

Technically a lot of people would either say 'ThanksGiving Break!!" or "5 day break" but it is really...a THREE day break. The reason its a three day break is simply because we go to school Monday and Tuesday and have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off. I mean..we would have had Saturday and Sunday off of school anyways because that is the god dayum WEEKEND. So get the most out of you three day break and don't let is flash by super fast.
For my amazing three day break I am heading to Las Vegas tomorrow..PARTY time ahaha.. No, sadly I am just going to stay with my family..I will make sure to go there and party next time. So enjoy your thanksgiving break. 3 day break. 5 day break and I will enjoy mine.
tata for now d:

Hacked e-mails.

An online debate over global warming science has broken out after an unknown hacker broke into the email server at a climate-research center and stole more than one thousand emails about global warming and posted them online.
This is a lot worse than it seems because there were probably personal ideas about global warming and secret information that ONLY that climate center was supposed to have access too. There has always been email hackers since emails started. But hacking more than one thousand of a company/center emails is such BAD. They need to be taught a lesson :D

Protect Your Email.

Plastic thats better for the environment?

A tean if South Korean scientists have found a way to produce plastic through bioengineering rather than the use of fossil fuel based chemicals. This technique may allow for the production of environmentally-friendly plastic that is biodegradable and low in toxicity. This is great for our world and climate problems, even though it is still only a small change thats pretty expensive.
Whatever. As long as we get these going through the United States there will be less chance of the big GLOBAL WARMING strategy.


Every new video you post on YouTube will automatically show subtitles when you play it. There will be an option button where you can press if you want to see subtitles or if you just want it the way it used to be..normal.
This will be a great improvement for those who are hearing impaired. We will also be able to watch and understand videos that were made with other languages by changing the subtitles to your native language. It actually has FIFTY-ONE different languages to choose from.

Monday, November 23, 2009

AOL volunteers

AOL is actually asking for their employees to VOLUNTEER on quitting. They are planning on cutting 2,500 peoples jobs for part of their restructuring. Those who sacrifice themselves will get a larger severance package than those who stay at the company.
I am not like an FBI secret agent that can get all into the amount of money will be intwined with this 'severance' package but IF I worked there I wouldn't volunteer to quit UNLESS I knew the precise amount of money that i would get If I didn't quit and just retired later AND the amount that I would get if I simply volunteered to quit now.

Facebook Hackers?

If you have recently joined any Facebook groups and noticed something odd about the Administrator of that precise group (weird stuff as in they aren't in charge of that group anymore) or they just quit. The administrator spot suddenly opens to ANYONE. Which is a big problem because the administrator can view every members personal info and change the groups information COMPLETELY.
The organization will try to return all hijacked groups to normal by next week.

Lets cross our fingaas..

Free Wifi?

Supposedly Google MAY be giving free wifi to some airports as a gift for the holidays. Only 47 United States airports will be getting this, which is actually a lot considering there are only 50 states. Sadly, I am not going to be at any airports this holiday season. So this won't be helping me at all.
But to any of you that are going out of town. FREE WIFI. thats just schnazzy.

It includes Boston, Houston and Las Vegas. Yet it ends January 15, 2010. So get your use out of it.

Clean Break

Two reasons for the name of this post:
1. ThanksGiving BREAK
2. The song by Jenny Owens called "Clean Break"

Okay. so for NUMERO UNO. Thanksgiving is coming and that means food to all of you food lovers. So..I guess thats good. The awesome thing is the fact that Thanksgiving means Las Vegas For me!! d: So i get to go and party and all of you just go to families houses and eat stuff like..turkey, mashed potatoes, squash soup, cranberry sauce, bread, and whatever else your family makes. And we pretty much get three days off to go home and thank people for a huge dinner..Don't we do that every night with just 'smaller' portioned dinners?

Now for NUMERO DOS. I just found this pretty good song with a music video that was extremely me at least. As it starts it shows strawberries, kiwis, and bananas rotting. Then it goes through like making a cake and all this stuff. It's just really interesting to me so please don't ask why.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Decent News (:

Okay, so SUPER STREET FIGHTER IV! Who doesn't want it?
My favorite arcade game was always those Konan whatchamacallit fighting games. It was probably just because I would ALWAYS win and the only reason I won was because I just constantly pressed the 'kick' and 'punch' buttons waaayy faster than my opponent. But seriously...Street Fighter IV. I am speechless. No, I'm not. It's just pretty damn cool.
Here is a little snippet of a blog I found on

"One of the fan favorites from the Super Street Fighter II era, Dee Jay has retained most of his moves and is a very powe "One of the fan favorites from the Super Street Fighter II era, Dee Jay has retained most of his moves and is a very powerful charge character. Playing a lot like Guile, but faster, Dee Jay is very versatile in both countering and rushdown. Unfortunately, he’s received a bit of a nerf according to Seth. In the current build, his EX Dread Kick crumples and can be chained with more EX Dread Kicks in a 1-frame link. It was also possible to chain these into his ultra combo. No longer! I can’t speak to his current state, but I will say that a lot of Balrog and Guile players might defect to Dee Jay. He’s very satisfying to play." character. Playing a lot like Guile, but faster, Dee Jay is very versatile in both countering and rushdown. Unfortunately, he’s received a bit of a nerf according to Seth. In the current build, his EX Dread Kick crumples and can be chained with more EX Dread Kicks in a 1-frame link. It was also possible to chain these into his ultra combo. No longer! I can’t speak to his current state, but I will say that a lot of Balrog and Guile players might defect to Dee Jay. He’s very satisfying to play."


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Golden Age of Video

A new music video made of clips from well known shows and movies recently came out called 'The Golden Age of Video' by Ricardo Autobahn on YouTube. It includes footage from well known shows and movies such as, Ghostbusters, The Simpsons, Godfather, School of Rock, South Park, RoboCop, Sesame Street, Back to the Future, Star Wars, Willy Wonka, THE SHINING, etc.

Personally this is my favorite YouTube video I've ever seen. Though I don't think many people know about it from seeing that only around 300 thousand people have watched it.
I recommend this video to everyone. Enjoy (:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The internet is finally working...again. Enjoy it while it lasts cause I am. If it wasn't for internet I wouldn't be able to write these marvelous blogs about both useless and useful stuff.

My podcasts aren't downloading and it makes me sad. So I went on and checked out some pretty cool subjects, but since 'tekken 5' and other crap games don't fascinate me, the only thing I could write about was RockBand ideas and Zynga's fabulous ideas such as 'FarmVille' and 'Mafia Wars'. Yet now all I can find that I would enjoy writing about are global crisis articles and politics. Though this is a media class and those topics don't seem to fit with what we would like in this class..

Our Movie

The people in our movie group are Kathryn, The Goodman twins, and me. For our movie we filmed brief short interviews of people and their take on the meaning of the word "Media". Some of them just saying the first word that comes to their head when they think of media and others one example fit into a sentence. With Hannah using her editing skills, Naomi using her camera skills, Kathryn's great movie ideas and script-writing skills, and I guess my GarageBand skills... we made a pretty good team.

I think we are all equally afraid to watch this movie when it is over.


Zynga, the makers of 'FarmVille' and 'Mafia Wars' has been seeing many dollar signs lately. On almost any day 500,000 tractors are sold to the around 50 million players of FarmVille, the largest and fastest growing social game on the Internet. Annual revenue at the two-year-old firm is likely to pass $100 million this year, prompting speculation that the company (backed by the likes of Linkedln cofounder Reid Hoffman and PayPal cofounder-turned-investor Peter Thiel) will soon go public. The software company also has managed to do something that other popular sites such as Twitter and Facebook have not: Zynga has found a way to make social networking profitable.
This company was founded in 2007 by Mark Pincus, 43, who also started social-networking site and software company SupportSoft (SPRT), which eventually went public. Most of his Web 3.0 peers rely on advertising and sponsorship for revenue, Picnus makes its money by getting gamers to buy virtual goods, like tractor fuel or land in FarmVille, which enable players to build bigger farms at a faster rate. Once hooked, Pincus says, players spend real money on virtual goods to help them advance to higher levels.

Music game based on The Who

Lately it seems that music based video games like Guitar Hero and RockBand have been getting their names on Top Game Charts and 50 most played games. Last month, Beatles RockBand hit stores and made a huge success. After seeing the outcome of Beatles RockBand, Roger Daltrey from The Who said, "They're going to be doing a Who one next year. There is one planned. The idea is fabulous. Anything that gets non-musical people interested in music is wonderful. In my opinion, music is our last true great freedom. They can burn our books, they can burn our paintings, but they can't stop us singing and making music."
No one knows if we will see The Who RockBand or The Who Guitar Hero in the near future, but we just might be in luck.....sometime..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Movies and Internet

According to Moviegoers 2010, conducted by entertainment marketing firm Stradella nearly all people who watch movies, regardless of their age, are on the web. An overwhelming 93 percent use the Internet to find out information about new movies that are out.
The average moviegoer spends a nearly six hours more a week on the Internet than they do watching television, while 73 percent of respondents have profiles on social networking sites. Like Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter. 74% of teens and young adults enjoy sharing opinions and personal thoughts about movies with others, and 75% of them trust a friend's opinion on a movie more than they would a critic.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Student Ambassador Program?

Just last week I received a letter of eligibility to join the 'People to People Student Ambassador Program'. I had never heard of this program before..while reading the letter I found that this program takes a certain amount of eligible students to different countries to obtain outside learning experiences. The specific one I was invited to was called 'Traditions of Europe' which takes you to Ireland, Wales, England, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Once I read where we would visit I jumped in excitement wanting to go; though my dad was feeling rather suspicious about this so called "people to people" program. My dads suspiciousness influenced me to do some research on this 'trip'. At the moment, I am analyzing the website and it seems pretty legit. I am still planning on showing the letter to Mr. Christy about if he has ever heard of it before and also letting my mom do her share of research. I am looking forward to going cause it sounds amazing even if it is a Child Kidnapping Scam...I doubt it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Baby born 9:09 on 9-9-09, weighing 9 lbs, 9 ounces

Many babies will celebrate being born on this last repeated single digit day; but one boy, Alexander Robert Orient, has much more things to feel special for. He was delivered by Caesarean section at St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction at 9:09 a.m. on 9-9-09. Minutes after Alexander was born 2 1/2 weeks premature, hospital workers told Deana (mom) and her husband, Patrick, the exact time of birth.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Beatles 360

Limited Edition xbox 360 themed on the Beatles. Only fifty made, price started in the 700's but this week, the last week that their on auction, the lowest bid is 7400 bucks. So if you have some extra paper in your wallet, you should go and buy it because throughout the years it will probably be worth as much as the limited Beatles JukeBoxes.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Twitter Rules

New rules announced for sport players, no twittering while playing or on break. People are afraid that what the players might say can affect the outcome of gambling. For example, a player saying that they drank can give gamblers the idea that they are dehydrated and have a higher or lower chance of winning.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Disney and Marvel collide

The Disney Company is buying Marvel comics for 4 billion dollars. They will get most publishing rights for the marvel movies yet to be announced. Don't worry marvel fans, Disney will not change any of the comics. In other news, apparently Heroes is the most common illegally downloaded television show, and Wikipedia finally gives us a chance at knowing what sentence is most likely true, calling it 'WikiTrust'.
If you are scared, and just happen to have an iPhone; your in luck. Recently a man was robbed at gun point by three men who stole his iPhone, by having this application on his phone, the police were able to track the three men down and throw them in jail. So, I suggest you download this application.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to School

Our freedom is gone. School has started. No more late nights. No more sleeping till noon, etc.
Once summer is over, we gain many rules once again.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hubble 3D

When NASA sends up a servicing mission to the hubble space telescope; the astronauts will be filming the five trips it takes to fix the telescope with IMAX cameras and will also be in 3D. The cameras will be on space shuttle Atlantis when they take off on May 11.
It should come out in theaters in the spring of 2010.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

News for Now

Apple is moving on to creating their own computer chip that will possibly increase the graphics capabilities from its existing product, and in other news..disney and hulu have made a deal to show disney's ABC channel shows on hulu such has Greys Anatomy and Lost.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

can YOU do the moonwalk?

EpicFu is having a contest for whoever can do the best moonwalk to send a video of themselves doing so to their website and whoever wins gets a free pair of Puma shoes. I definitely wont even try to win but I know many people who can.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

iPhone colliding with Verizon?

Finally, for all the verizon customers who have been waiting for your chance to get an iPhone without changing your phone service..THIS IS YOUR CHANCE (its also my chance but i have to wait one more year D:). So, buckle your seat belts and hold on because the iPhone IS in fact coming your way soon.

Monday, April 27, 2009

TMNT back?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is having their 25'th anniversary this year. A new live-action version of the turtles classic is due to come out in 2011 and it will focus on the origins of the four turtles.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fringe Secret Codes

It turns out that the makers of 'Fringe' hide a secret code in each picture they show on the television screen when a commercial starts and when it ends. It seems like a really good idea to get fans of the show to tune in more often just to crack the code. If anyone wants to know the translations of the pictures; go to
Even though I am already a huge fan of this show; now that I know there are secret codes..I'm going to pay much more attention.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Worlds Cheapest Car

The world's cheapest car just came out in India called the 'Tata Nano'. Its a compact fuel efficient vehicle made by Tata Motors that came out for around 2,500 dollars. No one knows if or when this car will come out in the U.S., but it seems pretty much like the Smart Car just much cheaper.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No Podcasts

By opening iTunes and looking at the podcasts; I realized that there are no new podcasts available. So, I figured I will still just write something down to see if mr. campi actually reads these blogs. If he reads this he wont learn anything interesting besides the fact that there are no podcasts that i havn't seen available so yeah..

Monday, March 23, 2009

Internet Explorer 8 comes out

The new internet explorer 8 has come out. It is faster, safer, and way more durable and able to rely on then any other internet service and past explorer versions. It has tabs where you can add not just your favorite website, but you can add your favorite section of a website. For example, if there is a picture on a pop-up website you just choose the picture and thats all you will keep.

Monday, March 16, 2009

PA_B Condor Flyers Poster

New Cell Phone Batteries

In about two years scientists/technicians might be able to develop a new cell phone battery that will be able to charge your phone in almost less than ten seconds. It mainly has to do with the shape and amount of certain materials used to make it but if it succeeds it will be out in about ten years.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Youtube vs. England

Youtube decides to block thousands of videos to be viewed in the U.K. The main reason is from a disagreement of the amount of money that youtube has to pay to the U.K.'s performing rights society for each music video viewed. The PRS wants youtube to reconsider and a youtube representative says that without a deal that they can all agree on; youtube will lose money every time someone streams a music video.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Principle of Design 4: Proximity

Estonia has announced that they will allow their consumers to vote via cell phone in 2011. The only catch is that you will need a special chip for your cell phone in order to do so.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mac has created two new apps. One of them is from that lets them roam through almost every television show and watch it on their ipods. The other application is called 'iverse media' which was targeted for comic lovers; so they can search for their favorite comics and read them on a clear, full screen picture that goes one comic strip then another.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pick n' Mix Babies

Scientists at a company called 'The Fertility Institute' have developed a system where you can pick the eye color, hair color, gender, and skin color of your own baby. Also they hope that eventually you will be able to have a complete customized baby. Many people describe this system as a violation of moral and ethical boundaries.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

An Assembly man in San Francisco is making a bill that will not only make marijuana legal; it would generate almost one billion dollars in tax revenue. It's supposedly introduced as a way for the state to earn a huge load of cash and would help get rid of the budget crisis. The bill will remove all penalties against growing, selling, using, transporting, buying, owning, and using pot for ages twenty-one and over.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Principle of Design 2: Alignment

Last month Microsoft had to lay off almost fifteen-hundred employees; and now according to an accounting error, most of their employees were paid too much for their severance package, so Microsoft sent out a letter asking them to pay them back. Some sources asked for the amount of these letter's that were sent out; but Microsoft refused to reply with the amount but did say that not everyone received a letter asking to lend back some bucks, and some employees did end up getting underpaid. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

iPhone Apps

Instead of paying ninety-nine cents per song; a band named 'The Presidents of the United States of America'(P.U.S.A.) created their own application that comes with a variety of pictures, songs from all of their albums, and a collection of rare unreleased songs and photos for only three dollars. Since they own all the rights to their music and one of the members is a big VP for a software company that creates iPhone app's made it possible to do this; the only thing is that its not DRM free.

Friday, February 20, 2009

In Adobe Photoshop CS4, we wrote about the first principle of design known as Contrast. After writing the basic rules of contrast; we edited particular words by changing their colors, fonts, and sizes to emphasize it's meaning without describing its definition.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Movie in 2010

After the remake of Friday the 13; the group who made it have found the perfect man to play Freddy Kruger. They picked Jackie Earle Haley, who plays the man behind the blood-stained mask in 'Watchmen' to take Robert England's place(who turned down the offer). The movie, 'Nightmare on Elm Street' will hopefully come out in 2010.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

President Obama signs the 787 billion dollar economic stimulus bill today in Colorado. Sinkhole developed in Vista Del Mar. Marine Animal rescue organization offer a 5,000 dollar reward to whoever finds the people that have been brutally shooting sea lions after finding a baby sea lion brutally beaten and paralyzed.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Billionaire's Attempt to help Economy

Billionaire Mark Cuban has supposedly decided to fix the economy. He is having people send their ideas for a small business plan and if he thinks the plan is viable, he will have a deal with them and start funding the project. Somehow he thinks that this will stop the economy crisis by believing that entrepreneurs can help by doing so.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Contestants on Dancing with the Stars

Not so interesting news; but Steve-O, Denise Richards, and mac co-founder Steve (cant spell last name) will all be joining the new season of "Dancing with the Stars". We'll see how it goes..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Circuit City Crisis

Circuit City is most likely going out of business, but with the constant positive and negative changes of the economy makes it unsure if its closing for good or completely restocking and opening in the next few weeks. They have already sold more than half of their items and have major deals on televisions, computers, clocks, pretty much all electronics. (good luck)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Newsish Stuff

Myspace has removed 90,000 sexual predators from their site; which is twice as much as they were planning on removing this time last year. Which is extremely good info.......

Media News stuffs

New Media Blogs.....

  Thats all
(just so I dont have to add my name to every single one of these blogs..)
  My name is Megan and this are done by Megan (me)