Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Student Ambassador Program?

Just last week I received a letter of eligibility to join the 'People to People Student Ambassador Program'. I had never heard of this program before..while reading the letter I found that this program takes a certain amount of eligible students to different countries to obtain outside learning experiences. The specific one I was invited to was called 'Traditions of Europe' which takes you to Ireland, Wales, England, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Once I read where we would visit I jumped in excitement wanting to go; though my dad was feeling rather suspicious about this so called "people to people" program. My dads suspiciousness influenced me to do some research on this 'trip'. At the moment, I am analyzing the website www.peopletopeople.com and it seems pretty legit. I am still planning on showing the letter to Mr. Christy about if he has ever heard of it before and also letting my mom do her share of research. I am looking forward to going cause it sounds amazing even if it is a Child Kidnapping Scam...I doubt it.

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