Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MacBook Pro Hard Drive

The famous MacBook Pro should be going down on the wish lists pretty soon. Most of the MacBook Pro's that are around 2-3 years old have had major Hard Drive problems. I know around 4 people that has had their Hard Drive crash in the last two months. It usually happens anytime at the most random times like you just look away and when you look back the screen is either black or white with a little flashing picture of a folder with a question mark on it.
Oddly enough the way it happened to me was when I noticed it needed to be charged, I went to get the charger and right as I plugged the charger into the wall outlet..the screen went black. When I turned it back on it was plain white and instead of a little apple in the middle(that means its either restarting, turning on or off) there was a little grey folder with that insignificant question mark on it.
I was pretty lucky though. When I took my laptop to the Apple store to see what was wrong with it a lady was there waiting to get her laptop back. Randomly she started talking to us and explained to us what happened to her laptop. She said her hard drive crashed so just in case I asked how she knew it had crashed...she said a white screen with a folder showed up, and it took them 2 weeks to fix it..i needed my laptop fixed by the next morning. THEY FIXED IT IN 30 MINUTES! (:

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