Monday, November 23, 2009

Clean Break

Two reasons for the name of this post:
1. ThanksGiving BREAK
2. The song by Jenny Owens called "Clean Break"

Okay. so for NUMERO UNO. Thanksgiving is coming and that means food to all of you food lovers. So..I guess thats good. The awesome thing is the fact that Thanksgiving means Las Vegas For me!! d: So i get to go and party and all of you just go to families houses and eat stuff like..turkey, mashed potatoes, squash soup, cranberry sauce, bread, and whatever else your family makes. And we pretty much get three days off to go home and thank people for a huge dinner..Don't we do that every night with just 'smaller' portioned dinners?

Now for NUMERO DOS. I just found this pretty good song with a music video that was extremely me at least. As it starts it shows strawberries, kiwis, and bananas rotting. Then it goes through like making a cake and all this stuff. It's just really interesting to me so please don't ask why.

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