Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Johnny Depp Speaks out for Prisoners

If you're one of those super duper obsessed fans of Johnny Depp to the point where I myself actually want to kill you..than you might be somewhat interested in this new news.
Out of all the articles and such on Yahoo and on my itunes podcasts I couldn't find anything that interested me but this. know those three kids who were convicted of the gruesome May 1993 killing of three West Memphis, Arkansas, children? Well Johnny Depp is trying to defend the death sentences of one of them and attempting to free the others supposedly. So the main story is that Johnny Depp is raising awareness of an attempt to secure a new trial for these three inmates, who he feels has been wrongly convicted. Depp will be appearing on "48 Hours Mystery" this saturday to make his case. I'd watch it. And if that show or this topic interests you, you should go to Blockbuster..oh wait, never mind BlockBuster sucks and shut down some locations..well go to netflix or some place and get the movie/documentary called "Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hills". If you must know how committed Johnny Depp is to this subject..he took time off promoting his new coming to theaters movie "Alice in Wonderland" to film his episode thing of "48 Hours Mystery".

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