Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jay-Z's Thoughts..

You know that new remake of "We Are the World" by all those pretty amazing artists who worked together to help support Haiti? ...Well, Jay-Z seems to think unlikely of it. He says "I know everybody is gonna take this wrong: 'We Are the World,' I love it, and I understand the point and think it's great. But I think 'We Are the World' is like Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' to me. I don't ever want to see it touched." Critics have agree'd to this and say that "The updated take was horribly oversung... save for the 21st-century rap verses added toward the end of the track." Jay-Z continued his statement by saying "I'm a fan of music. I know the plight and everything that's going on in Haiti. I applaud the efforts. Millions have been raised through text donations to Haiti. So I appreciate the efforts and everything, but 'We Are the World' is (musically) untouchable like 'Thriller' is untouchable. Some things are just untouchable. It was a valiant effort, but for me, it's gonna be untouchable."

Personally, I have never heard this songs original version even have I ever heard about this songs existence. So from what I know...I like this new version better...even thought Jay-Z is making a very very good point.


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