Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Twilight..or whatever movie just came out..

The fact that I am writing a post about what is known as the "Twilight:Saga" makes me really sad, but I'm just going to go through with it. So, last night I watched this show on E!news about the 'secrets' of twilight. To be honest it was pretty interesting, it kept me sucked in for a whole 30 minutes.
What I've learned from this show:
-Taylor Lautner feels uncomfortable of the fact that so many people see him shirtless.
-Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will ALWAYS have a friends with benefits relationship.
-Bellas so-called "house" in the movie is actually a set house. Meaning there's no drywall, electricity or plumming. It is simply the 'shell' of a house.
-Dakota Fanning was ecstatic to be in it playing some vampire named Jane especially since the role was practically handed to her.
-Ashley Greene was too late to tell the people that she was going to continue in the rest of the twilight movies so they replaced her with Bryce Dallas Howard.
-I can't believe I remembered all this crap from last night.

Three Day Break :D

Technically a lot of people would either say 'ThanksGiving Break!!" or "5 day break" but it is really...a THREE day break. The reason its a three day break is simply because we go to school Monday and Tuesday and have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off. I mean..we would have had Saturday and Sunday off of school anyways because that is the god dayum WEEKEND. So get the most out of you three day break and don't let is flash by super fast.
For my amazing three day break I am heading to Las Vegas tomorrow..PARTY time ahaha.. No, sadly I am just going to stay with my family..I will make sure to go there and party next time. So enjoy your thanksgiving break. 3 day break. 5 day break and I will enjoy mine.
tata for now d:

Hacked e-mails.

An online debate over global warming science has broken out after an unknown hacker broke into the email server at a climate-research center and stole more than one thousand emails about global warming and posted them online.
This is a lot worse than it seems because there were probably personal ideas about global warming and secret information that ONLY that climate center was supposed to have access too. There has always been email hackers since emails started. But hacking more than one thousand of a company/center emails is such BAD. They need to be taught a lesson :D

Protect Your Email.

Plastic thats better for the environment?

A tean if South Korean scientists have found a way to produce plastic through bioengineering rather than the use of fossil fuel based chemicals. This technique may allow for the production of environmentally-friendly plastic that is biodegradable and low in toxicity. This is great for our world and climate problems, even though it is still only a small change thats pretty expensive.
Whatever. As long as we get these going through the United States there will be less chance of the big GLOBAL WARMING strategy.


Every new video you post on YouTube will automatically show subtitles when you play it. There will be an option button where you can press if you want to see subtitles or if you just want it the way it used to be..normal.
This will be a great improvement for those who are hearing impaired. We will also be able to watch and understand videos that were made with other languages by changing the subtitles to your native language. It actually has FIFTY-ONE different languages to choose from.

Monday, November 23, 2009

AOL volunteers

AOL is actually asking for their employees to VOLUNTEER on quitting. They are planning on cutting 2,500 peoples jobs for part of their restructuring. Those who sacrifice themselves will get a larger severance package than those who stay at the company.
I am not like an FBI secret agent that can get all into the amount of money will be intwined with this 'severance' package but IF I worked there I wouldn't volunteer to quit UNLESS I knew the precise amount of money that i would get If I didn't quit and just retired later AND the amount that I would get if I simply volunteered to quit now.

Facebook Hackers?

If you have recently joined any Facebook groups and noticed something odd about the Administrator of that precise group (weird stuff as in they aren't in charge of that group anymore) or they just quit. The administrator spot suddenly opens to ANYONE. Which is a big problem because the administrator can view every members personal info and change the groups information COMPLETELY.
The organization will try to return all hijacked groups to normal by next week.

Lets cross our fingaas..

Free Wifi?

Supposedly Google MAY be giving free wifi to some airports as a gift for the holidays. Only 47 United States airports will be getting this, which is actually a lot considering there are only 50 states. Sadly, I am not going to be at any airports this holiday season. So this won't be helping me at all.
But to any of you that are going out of town. FREE WIFI. thats just schnazzy.

It includes Boston, Houston and Las Vegas. Yet it ends January 15, 2010. So get your use out of it.

Clean Break

Two reasons for the name of this post:
1. ThanksGiving BREAK
2. The song by Jenny Owens called "Clean Break"

Okay. so for NUMERO UNO. Thanksgiving is coming and that means food to all of you food lovers. So..I guess thats good. The awesome thing is the fact that Thanksgiving means Las Vegas For me!! d: So i get to go and party and all of you just go to families houses and eat stuff like..turkey, mashed potatoes, squash soup, cranberry sauce, bread, and whatever else your family makes. And we pretty much get three days off to go home and thank people for a huge dinner..Don't we do that every night with just 'smaller' portioned dinners?

Now for NUMERO DOS. I just found this pretty good song with a music video that was extremely interesting..to me at least. As it starts it shows strawberries, kiwis, and bananas rotting. Then it goes through like making a cake and all this stuff. It's just really interesting to me so please don't ask why.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Decent News (:

Okay, so SUPER STREET FIGHTER IV! Who doesn't want it?
My favorite arcade game was always those Konan whatchamacallit fighting games. It was probably just because I would ALWAYS win and the only reason I won was because I just constantly pressed the 'kick' and 'punch' buttons waaayy faster than my opponent. But seriously...Street Fighter IV. I am speechless. No, I'm not. It's just pretty damn cool.
Here is a little snippet of a blog I found on www.g4tv.com.

"One of the fan favorites from the Super Street Fighter II era, Dee Jay has retained most of his moves and is a very powe "One of the fan favorites from the Super Street Fighter II era, Dee Jay has retained most of his moves and is a very powerful charge character. Playing a lot like Guile, but faster, Dee Jay is very versatile in both countering and rushdown. Unfortunately, he’s received a bit of a nerf according to Seth. In the current build, his EX Dread Kick crumples and can be chained with more EX Dread Kicks in a 1-frame link. It was also possible to chain these into his ultra combo. No longer! I can’t speak to his current state, but I will say that a lot of Balrog and Guile players might defect to Dee Jay. He’s very satisfying to play." character. Playing a lot like Guile, but faster, Dee Jay is very versatile in both countering and rushdown. Unfortunately, he’s received a bit of a nerf according to Seth. In the current build, his EX Dread Kick crumples and can be chained with more EX Dread Kicks in a 1-frame link. It was also possible to chain these into his ultra combo. No longer! I can’t speak to his current state, but I will say that a lot of Balrog and Guile players might defect to Dee Jay. He’s very satisfying to play."
