Friday, January 15, 2010

Gift Cards

Now there are solutions to unused or forgot about gift cards. This should be especially useful now that the holidays are over and for the people who got a lot of gift cards for christmas or Chanukah(like me), there are ways to make it more useful than it already is. For example, if you are a fan of Hot Topic and your grandma from Florida got you a gift card to American Eagle just go to sites like and sell your card for ninety percent cash. Personally, I am not sure if you can trust this site because I have no experience with it...but its probably worth a try if you really don't want anything from the store you have a gift card too. Or you could just go to school and sell it. For example, lets say you have a twenty-five dollar gift card to Hollister but you only shop at Forever 21; take the card to school, show it to some girls, and sell it for at least 10 dollars and at most 25 dollars. You should go for fifteen or twenty bucks though. So yeah c;


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