Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Student Ambassador Program?

Just last week I received a letter of eligibility to join the 'People to People Student Ambassador Program'. I had never heard of this program before..while reading the letter I found that this program takes a certain amount of eligible students to different countries to obtain outside learning experiences. The specific one I was invited to was called 'Traditions of Europe' which takes you to Ireland, Wales, England, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Once I read where we would visit I jumped in excitement wanting to go; though my dad was feeling rather suspicious about this so called "people to people" program. My dads suspiciousness influenced me to do some research on this 'trip'. At the moment, I am analyzing the website www.peopletopeople.com and it seems pretty legit. I am still planning on showing the letter to Mr. Christy about if he has ever heard of it before and also letting my mom do her share of research. I am looking forward to going cause it sounds amazing even if it is a Child Kidnapping Scam...I doubt it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Baby born 9:09 on 9-9-09, weighing 9 lbs, 9 ounces

Many babies will celebrate being born on this last repeated single digit day; but one boy, Alexander Robert Orient, has much more things to feel special for. He was delivered by Caesarean section at St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction at 9:09 a.m. on 9-9-09. Minutes after Alexander was born 2 1/2 weeks premature, hospital workers told Deana (mom) and her husband, Patrick, the exact time of birth.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Beatles 360

Limited Edition xbox 360 themed on the Beatles. Only fifty made, price started in the 700's but this week, the last week that their on auction, the lowest bid is 7400 bucks. So if you have some extra paper in your wallet, you should go and buy it because throughout the years it will probably be worth as much as the limited Beatles JukeBoxes.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Twitter Rules

New rules announced for sport players, no twittering while playing or on break. People are afraid that what the players might say can affect the outcome of gambling. For example, a player saying that they drank can give gamblers the idea that they are dehydrated and have a higher or lower chance of winning.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Disney and Marvel collide

The Disney Company is buying Marvel comics for 4 billion dollars. They will get most publishing rights for the marvel movies yet to be announced. Don't worry marvel fans, Disney will not change any of the comics. In other news, apparently Heroes is the most common illegally downloaded television show, and Wikipedia finally gives us a chance at knowing what sentence is most likely true, calling it 'WikiTrust'.
If you are scared, and just happen to have an iPhone; your in luck. Recently a man was robbed at gun point by three men who stole his iPhone, by having this application on his phone, the police were able to track the three men down and throw them in jail. So, I suggest you download this application.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to School

Our freedom is gone. School has started. No more late nights. No more sleeping till noon, etc.
Once summer is over, we gain many rules once again.