Thursday, April 29, 2010

Banning Happy Meals

Santa Clara county of California has made it illegal for resturuants to entice children to eat unhealthy food by offering them toys. They say these little toys lead to children to feast on unhealthy, fatty, greasy foods. But should the county tell parents what their kids should eat? A fast food resturuant says no. They don't beleive a county should be substituting its judgement for the judgement of the parents in making the decision. Supporters counted studies that said one in four or more of the kids in the county are overweight or obese. They say the toys are the cause. A mom with five children said "It starts off with I'm hungry, and then it goes to what the toy looks like, and so I know exactly where its going". Los Angeles should make them illegal too ;D!


Monday, April 26, 2010

California's Annual Poppy Festival

This past weekend Lancaster, CA held the California Poppy Festival for the 19th time I think. It was April 24-25 in Lancaster City Park. The Festival was HUGE and filled with great music, food, arts, and a lot of fun celebrating the state flower of California and the appearance of poppies in the Antelope Valley. I went to this festival on sunday and it was pretty fun. We, my family and I, went on rides in the kids area and strolled around the arts and crafts area where really creative people showed their creations. There were even dog training shows, dog herding shows, and wild animal shows. Personally, I was mainly interested in one of the booths that was selling all kinds of sages and herbs and crystals. I had a looong talk with the booth man about them and which ones the best for what mood your in and which ones are best for burning (I like to burn things). Sooo yeah. Next year you people should go cause also the poppy fields in the Antelope Valley are beautiful and filled with orange. It looks like orange rivers flowing through the mountains from far away.
