Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Worlds Cheapest Car

The world's cheapest car just came out in India called the 'Tata Nano'. Its a compact fuel efficient vehicle made by Tata Motors that came out for around 2,500 dollars. No one knows if or when this car will come out in the U.S., but it seems pretty much like the Smart Car just much cheaper.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No Podcasts

By opening iTunes and looking at the podcasts; I realized that there are no new podcasts available. So, I figured I will still just write something down to see if mr. campi actually reads these blogs. If he reads this he wont learn anything interesting besides the fact that there are no podcasts that i havn't seen available so yeah..

Monday, March 23, 2009

Internet Explorer 8 comes out

The new internet explorer 8 has come out. It is faster, safer, and way more durable and able to rely on then any other internet service and past explorer versions. It has tabs where you can add not just your favorite website, but you can add your favorite section of a website. For example, if there is a picture on a pop-up website you just choose the picture and thats all you will keep.

Monday, March 16, 2009

PA_B Condor Flyers Poster

New Cell Phone Batteries

In about two years scientists/technicians might be able to develop a new cell phone battery that will be able to charge your phone in almost less than ten seconds. It mainly has to do with the shape and amount of certain materials used to make it but if it succeeds it will be out in about ten years.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Youtube vs. England

Youtube decides to block thousands of videos to be viewed in the U.K. The main reason is from a disagreement of the amount of money that youtube has to pay to the U.K.'s performing rights society for each music video viewed. The PRS wants youtube to reconsider and a youtube representative says that without a deal that they can all agree on; youtube will lose money every time someone streams a music video.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Principle of Design 4: Proximity

Estonia has announced that they will allow their consumers to vote via cell phone in 2011. The only catch is that you will need a special chip for your cell phone in order to do so.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mac has created two new apps. One of them is from that lets them roam through almost every television show and watch it on their ipods. The other application is called 'iverse media' which was targeted for comic lovers; so they can search for their favorite comics and read them on a clear, full screen picture that goes one comic strip then another.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pick n' Mix Babies

Scientists at a company called 'The Fertility Institute' have developed a system where you can pick the eye color, hair color, gender, and skin color of your own baby. Also they hope that eventually you will be able to have a complete customized baby. Many people describe this system as a violation of moral and ethical boundaries.