Thursday, February 26, 2009

An Assembly man in San Francisco is making a bill that will not only make marijuana legal; it would generate almost one billion dollars in tax revenue. It's supposedly introduced as a way for the state to earn a huge load of cash and would help get rid of the budget crisis. The bill will remove all penalties against growing, selling, using, transporting, buying, owning, and using pot for ages twenty-one and over.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Principle of Design 2: Alignment

Last month Microsoft had to lay off almost fifteen-hundred employees; and now according to an accounting error, most of their employees were paid too much for their severance package, so Microsoft sent out a letter asking them to pay them back. Some sources asked for the amount of these letter's that were sent out; but Microsoft refused to reply with the amount but did say that not everyone received a letter asking to lend back some bucks, and some employees did end up getting underpaid. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

iPhone Apps

Instead of paying ninety-nine cents per song; a band named 'The Presidents of the United States of America'(P.U.S.A.) created their own application that comes with a variety of pictures, songs from all of their albums, and a collection of rare unreleased songs and photos for only three dollars. Since they own all the rights to their music and one of the members is a big VP for a software company that creates iPhone app's made it possible to do this; the only thing is that its not DRM free.

Friday, February 20, 2009

In Adobe Photoshop CS4, we wrote about the first principle of design known as Contrast. After writing the basic rules of contrast; we edited particular words by changing their colors, fonts, and sizes to emphasize it's meaning without describing its definition.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Movie in 2010

After the remake of Friday the 13; the group who made it have found the perfect man to play Freddy Kruger. They picked Jackie Earle Haley, who plays the man behind the blood-stained mask in 'Watchmen' to take Robert England's place(who turned down the offer). The movie, 'Nightmare on Elm Street' will hopefully come out in 2010.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

President Obama signs the 787 billion dollar economic stimulus bill today in Colorado. Sinkhole developed in Vista Del Mar. Marine Animal rescue organization offer a 5,000 dollar reward to whoever finds the people that have been brutally shooting sea lions after finding a baby sea lion brutally beaten and paralyzed.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Billionaire's Attempt to help Economy

Billionaire Mark Cuban has supposedly decided to fix the economy. He is having people send their ideas for a small business plan and if he thinks the plan is viable, he will have a deal with them and start funding the project. Somehow he thinks that this will stop the economy crisis by believing that entrepreneurs can help by doing so.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Contestants on Dancing with the Stars

Not so interesting news; but Steve-O, Denise Richards, and mac co-founder Steve (cant spell last name) will all be joining the new season of "Dancing with the Stars". We'll see how it goes..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Circuit City Crisis

Circuit City is most likely going out of business, but with the constant positive and negative changes of the economy makes it unsure if its closing for good or completely restocking and opening in the next few weeks. They have already sold more than half of their items and have major deals on televisions, computers, clocks, pretty much all electronics. (good luck)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Newsish Stuff

Myspace has removed 90,000 sexual predators from their site; which is twice as much as they were planning on removing this time last year. Which is extremely good info.......

Media News stuffs

New Media Blogs.....

  Thats all
(just so I dont have to add my name to every single one of these blogs..)
  My name is Megan and this are done by Megan (me)